St. Peter Parish's next highway clean-up event will be on Saturday morning, August 26. We are in need of helpers. If you or your group/organization can donate an hour or two of your time that morning, or during a future clean-up, please contact Matt Bahar ([email protected] or 440-281-8444). Our new adopted highway is Island Rd (County Rd 58), between Capel Rd and Grafton-Eastern Rd.
Did you know that parishioners cleaned 15 bags of trash from a 2-mile stretch of Rte. 83 (between Lorain Rd. and Rte. 82) as part of the Adopt-A-Highway program.
Last year, the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) spent approximately $4.4 million and 206,221 labor hours picking up 392,305 bags of litter from highways and interchanges. The cost and time involved to remove litter from the highways could have been used for other needs. $4 million is approximately what it costs to install 340 miles of safety guardrail, pave 40 miles of a two-lane highway, or purchase 28 snowplow trucks. On average, Adopt-A-Highway volunteers pick up 25,000 bags of trash, saving the Department $280,000 each year.
This group organized this activity as part of a Care for Creation initiative. Cleaning up litter helps show care for the earth and all of God's creation. To sign up for notifications about the next cleanup day, please complete the form below and you will get added to the distribution list.